Window Cleaning in Tucson Arizona
Window cleaning in Tucson and Green Valley

Here in Tucson Arizona and Southern Arizona in general. Fall is a great time of year to get your windows cleaned. After monsoon season there can be a lot of dirt, watermarks, debate, and even hard water stains left on your windows. It is strongly suggested that you get your windows cleaned before your windows […]

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Hi, Everyone! A little something different today. Just some fun pictures for you to look at compliments of Jordan Palmer. Most of the photos are taken in Green Valley or Madera Canyon. The picture of the wall tent and the picture of the fish (Greyling) were taken in Aniak Alaska.   

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Interesting Facts About Windows

1. Glass windows only became common in homes in the early 17th century. 2. While it is estimated that the average US home has about 8 windows, the White House boasts a crazy 147. This is no match for the Buckingham Palace, which has approximately five times as many windows, coming in at a whopping […]

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The Secret To Streak-Free Windows

Cleaning your windows is a task that to be hired out. It can be a long and labor intensive job to get crystal clear windows. However, there are some instances when you will need to do a quick DIY cleaning job. As a professional window cleaner I  have a few tips for you to clean […]

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Window Cleaning Products
GG4 and GG3, Glass Gleam Glide and Multi purpose cleaner.

So I just started using some new products from Titan Labs in my window cleaning business. I use the Glass Gleam 4 which is a professional window cleaning concentrate made for hard water areas. They make about 12 different products ranging from hard water stain removers to solar panel cleaning solution to Multi-Purpose Cleaner. If you […]

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Window Cleaning